First of all we want to send our best wishes to you during the current difficult situation we all are experiencing worldwide. We hope that soon it will come to an end for all of us.

Regarding the markets we work in, you can find a summary below with the important dates.


For Sweden, Systembolaget had previously announced the launch plan with few details about each tender. The launch of the winning products will take place in 2021. For some of these tenders, the start date is June 11th.

You can have access to all tenders by clicking here.

If we are currently not in touch regarding these tenders and you want to receive updates on these tenders, write to Akshat Rekhi on [email protected], briefly explaining your interest.


Alko will be announcing the new purchase plan in last week of May or first week of June. You will be able to see updates on our website.


Vinmonopolet will also be announcing the new purchase plan mostly in the first week of June. You will be able to see updates on our website.

We look forward to start working together on the new plans.

Have a nice weekend.


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