Neumayer's Erste Lage Riesling Wine

Today we launch Neumayer’s Erste Lage Riesling at the exclusive listing segment at Systembolaget. The wine is from Neumayer´s Rothenbart wine terrace which is one of the highest vineyard terraces in the Traisental valley, reaching up to 380 meters above sea level.

Erste Lage designates first class vineyards with distinctive characteristics that provide optimal growing conditions. The sites are carefully determined by the VDP regional associations. Neumayer’s Riesling is from the region Traisental where there are only 4 vineyards that are Erste Lage classified.

Don’t miss your chance to try this fantastic wine, it will only sell for a limited time! Click here to find out which Systembolaget stores are selling the wine.

Wishing you all a nice sunny weekend!

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