The three monopolies have a different way of handling their improvement on sustainability. However, Concealed Wines sees a trend growing in tenders that we receive from the monopolies. Indeed, the demand for sustainable products is increasing and their market share keeps on growing. Here are some comparative figures for our suppliers to understand the growing demand of this common will of the scandinavian monopolies.

Sustainability in the monopolies: useful data to compare

You can find below information regarding sales in the different monopolies of organic products. These figures have been increasing every year in order to meet the monopolies’ policies on sustainability. The demand will keep on growing, and we will keep on updating this page with yearly sales values.

Comparative figures of sales

Below are sales figures of 2022 for both wines and other products (beer, spirits, cider…). In order to have the best idea on this comparative figures, you will find sales in liters and percentage. This will give you a good idea on sustainable products’ market share.


Here are sales figures of Systembolaget for non-organic and organic wines, then for other products.

Type of product Sales in litersPercentage of sales
Non-organic wines160 944 75075%
Organic wines54 253 27525%
Systembolaget 2022 sales of wines

Type of productSales in litersPercentage of sales
Non-organic other products294 847 92094%
Organic other products18 947 5276%
Systembolaget 2022 sales of other products (beer, cider, spirits, mixed-drinks…)


You can find below figures of Vinmonopolet for non-organic and organic wines, then their sales figures for other products.

Type of product Sales in litersPercentage of sales
Non-organic wines70 618 64790,8%
Organic wines 7 155 1939,2%
Vinmonopolet 2022 sales of wines

Type of productSales in litersPercentage of sales
Non-organic other products16 892 21099%
Organic other products170 6281%
Vinmonopolet 2022 sales of other products (beer, cider, spirits, mixed-drinks…)


Alko also has various figures available. You can find here selling values of 2022 for both wines and other products.

Type of product Sales in litersPercentage of sales
Non-organic wines39 350 00081%
Organic wines9 484 00019%
Alko 2022 sales of wines

Type of productSales in litersPercentage of sales
Non-organic other products9 268 70094,9%
Organic other products501 0005,1%
Alko 2022 sales of other products (beer, cider, spirits, mixed-drinks…)

More information on sales of the three monopolies

This section will give you access to sales values of the monopolies. These figures might not be available in English depending on the website you are looking at.

Sweden – Systembolaget

You can have access to sales figures of Systembolaget on this page. The swedish monopoly completes this page every three months. Unfortunately, the values are only available in Swedish.

Norway – Vinmonopolet

You can check sales values of Vinmonopolet on this link. The norvegian monopoly release sales figures every month. Unfortunately, the monopoly only realeases their values in Norvegian.

Finland – Alko

All sales values of Alko can be found on this link. The finnish monopoly shares its sales values in English, Finnish and Swedish. Make sure to select the good language on the left panel of the table.

Q&A section

What is the goal of monopolies with sustainability?

The scandinavian monopolies are trying to increase their sustainable range of products available for consumers.

How do these policies may have an impact on my opportunities?

The monopolies will prioritize sustainable products more and more, leaving less opportunities for non-sustainable products to be introduced to the market.

What is the evolution of sustainable products’ sales in the scandinavian monopolies?

Sales of organic and/or sustainable products keep on increasing. It is a trend that is becoming an habit for consumers, as they are looking for more “environmental responsible” products.