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Vi söker en person som kan ta ansvar för redovisnining/bokföring men även andra ansvarsområden inom ekonomi/administration.
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As you may have already read in one of our earlier posts, Emma Bill and I attended the ‘Wines of Macedonia’ event in October at the…
We have some great news to share: Concealed Wines has partnered with Leading wine business consultant Peter McAtamney from Wine Business Solutions to host a…
Currently we have summer-time in Sweden and people are on and off at work. I motivated myself to do a small improvement on the website,…
2023 is wrapping up and looking back, we would like to thank all our wonderful producers and partners for the past year spent working together….
This past Sunday, our international team had the pleasure of experiencing a traditional Fika at Lindquist’s Pastry, and it was such a delightful time! Some…
Earlier this week, Emma and I attended a ‘Wines of Macedonia’ event at the Macedonian Embassy here in Stockholm. We had the opportunity to represent…
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ALKO wants to simplify how the end consumer can find products where the producer has invested in sustainable development and made environmental efforts. As a results ALKO has created 6 different ‘green-choice’ symbols that are presented together with the product in ALKO’s assortment. These 6 categories are the following:
For more detailed information on each category, please visit this link